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What makes the edeXa Universe so unique?

What makes the edeXa Universe so unique?

Universe used at core has one implementation of distributed ledger technology. This bring several benefits to mention as:

  1. Identity management :

To enable permissioned networks, Hyperledger Fabric provides a membership identity service that manages user IDs and authenticates all participants on the network. Access control lists can be used to provide additional layers of permission through authorization of specific network operations. For example, a specific user ID could be permitted to invoke a chaincode application, but be blocked from deploying new chaincode.

  1. Privacy and confidentiality :

Hyperledger Fabric enables competing business interests, and any groups that require private, confidential transactions, to coexist on the same permissioned network. Private channels are restricted messaging paths that can be used to provide transaction privacy and confidentiality for specific subsets of network members. All data, including transaction, member and channel information, on a channel are invisible and inaccessible to any network members not explicitly granted access to that channel.

  1. Efficient processing :

To provide concurrency and parallelism to the network, transaction execution is separated from transaction ordering and commitment. Executing transactions prior to ordering them enables each peer node to process multiple transactions simultaneously. This concurrent execution increases processing efficiency on each peer and accelerates delivery of transactions to the ordering service.

  1. Chaincode Functionality :

Chaincode applications encode logic that is invoked by specific types of transactions on the channel. Chaincode that defines parameters for a change of asset ownership, for example, ensures that all transactions that transfer ownership are subject to the same rules and requirements. System chaincode is distinguished as a chaincode that defines operating parameters for the entire channel. Lifecycle and configuration system chaincode defines the rules for the channel; endorsement and validation system chaincode defines the requirements for endorsing and validating transactions.

  1. Modular Design :

Universe implements a modular architecture to provide functional choice to network designers. Specific algorithms for identity, ordering (consensus) and encryption, for example, can be plugged into any Hyperledger Fabric network.